It’s hard to believe that today is the last day of school!
A few reminders for the summer:
Summer work and supply lists have been posted to the school website ( Please complete summer work during the summer and purchase needed supplies.
Incoming 6th grade students are required to return to school with DTP immunization
Incoming 7th grade students are required to return to school with proof of the meningitis vaccine
All students should be sure to get any outstanding immunizations over the summer. Please see the school website ( for a list of the required immunizations.
Please continue to grow in our faith by attending mass on Saturday night/Sunday.
Staffing Update
Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Jackowitz, has resigned her position to pursue another opportunity. We thank her for her time at St. Clare and wish her the best of luck in her new position.
Mrs. Raquel Powers, current PreK aide, will replace Mrs. Jackowitz next year. Mrs. Powers brings with her a wealth of educational experience having served as a first and second grade teacher, a math coach, a literacy coach, and an assistant principal. We are excited that Mrs. Powers will be taking on this new role.
I would like to thank our teachers and aides for an outstanding school year and for their unending dedication and support. May God bless Mrs. Haley, Mrs. Tricomi, Mrs. Spensieri, Mrs. D’Ambrosio, Mrs. Plaza, Ms. Wilkens, Mrs. Jackowitz, Mrs. D. Rodriguez, Mrs. Goldstein, Ms. Revello, Mrs. C. Rodriguez, Ms. Farrell, Mrs. Twohig, Mrs. Minucci, Mrs. Bartlett, Ms. Billera, Mrs. Treacy, Mrs. Molloy, Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. Continanzi, Mrs. Vautrinot, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kneeshaw, Mrs. Lee, Mr. Martorano, Mrs. Barricella, Mrs. Bocchino, Mrs. Daly, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Gavin, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Webb, Ms. Vella, Mrs. Siewert, Mrs. DeMartino, Ms. Kneeshaw, Mrs. Vella, Mrs. Calicchio, Mrs. Bonavita, Mrs. Caputo, and Mrs. Capuano.
I would also like to thank our administrative staff who go above and beyond to make our school days run smoothly. Their dedication, caring, and problem solving abilities are instrumental in running our school. Thanks to Mrs. Abruzzo, Mrs. Contino, Mrs. Delgado, and Mrs. Gardella. I can’t thank you enough for all you do every day!
It’s hard to believe that Mrs. Griffo has only been a part of St. Clare for 3 years! She has become a valued member of our St. Clare Family not only for her countless talents but also for her kindness, dedication, and outstanding sense of humor. Thank you for being a part of every decision.
We are blessed to have a dedicated clergy and parish staff who support all of the work of our school and help us to grow in our faith. We thank Fr. Arthur, Fr. Brendan, Fr. Jacob, Fr. Michael, and Seminarian Joe for a wonderful school year. Thanks also to Deacon Salhaney, Gerri Smith, and the rectory staff for their support.
Our maintenance staff led by Mr. Bill Quirk and Mr.Mike Mulligan not only keep our school clean and comfortable but also set up and break down our multitude of events. We are blessed to have them!
Thanks also to Nurse Krissy and Safety Officers Joe and Eddie for caring for our students’ health and safety.
Our Mother’s and Father’s Clubs have not only spearheaded our very necessary fundraising efforts, they have also been instrumental in building our school community. We are grateful to Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Greenblum, Mrs. Puliafito, and Mr. Ficchi for their creative ideas, dedication, and hard work.
Our Instagram Account showcases our school to the world! Thanks to Mrs. Bocchino and Mrs. Griffo for sharing our stories through photos.
Finally, thanks to our students and school families for a successful school year!
May this summer be filled with good times, happy memories, and opportunities to recharge.