Dear School Families,
On Thursday, October 20th, our teachers participated in the Archdiocese’s Spirituality Day at Iona University. The day consisted of Mass celebrated by Cardinal Dolan and a spirited presentation by Fr. Tony Ricard of New Orleans. It was a fortifying day inspiring all of us to share our faith with our students and families.
Thank you for the wonderful response we have received for our Fashion Show. We appreciate our sponsors, family donations, and the hard work of our class reps and Mothers Club officers. It is sure to be a wonderful event!
There will be a Lotto Dress Down day on Wednesday, November 2nd. We ask students to donate a Lotto card to dress down. The Lotto cards will be used for a Fashion Show raffle. No slides, cropped tops, or ripped jeans please.
We are happy to announce that we are in the process of having our vending machines in the cafeteria restocked so that the students will be able to purchase snacks and water during lunch.
Students in grades 2 - 4 will visit a pumpkin patch this coming Wednesday, October 26th. I’m sure it will be a great time for all!
Wednesday, October 26th is also the date for the free Healthy Minds Zoom presentation. The event begins at 8:00 p.m. The topic for the presentation is “The Anxious, Depressed Child/Adolescent” presented by Constance Salhany PhD A-CBT.
St. Joseph Hill will visit with our 8th grade girls on Friday, October 28th.
Spirit Wear flyers will be sent home one day this week. Please keep in mind that the zip sweatshirt may only be worn to and from school and in school on gym days. Students must wear the school sweater in the classroom with the winter uniform. 8th grade students are able to wear their 8th grade sweatshirt in the classroom once they receive them.
Flyers were recently sent home for our Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser. All orders must be placed by 11/10/22.
The deadline to register for the TACHS exam is Thursday, October 27th.
We are looking forward to spooky fun at our Halloween Party on October 29th and at the Trunk or Treat and 8th Grade Halloween Party on October 31st. Thank you to all of our class reps and Mothers Club officers for organizing these events for our students. Costumes or black and orange may be worn on Monday, October 31st. Please be sure to follow teachers’ guidelines for costumes.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
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