This week, I had the opportunity to attend the Biannual Principal Meeting, where keynote speaker Ann M. Garrido spoke about the spiritual journey of leadership. During her talk, Ms. Garrido referenced St. Paul’s depiction of courage, which resonated with me deeply. I was inspired to revisit a passage from her book, Redeeming Administration: 12 Spiritual Habits for Catholic Leaders. She writes, “In Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy, there is a wonderful line in which Paul encourages Timothy to “stir into flame” the gift of God that Paul knows is within his disciple, reminding him that “the Spirit God has given us is no cowardly spirit, but rather one that makes us strong, loving, and wise (2 Tm 1:6-7)”. May we all be filled with God’s gift of the Spirit this week!
On Friday, our 6th grade students led us in a beautiful Mass celebrated by Fr. Brendan. We appreciate Mrs. Bogart, Ms. Giaccio, and Mrs. Baricella for preparing our students so well. Thanks also to Mackenzie Clifford for organizing our school masses this year.
A special thank you to Firefighter Pepitone for visiting a few of our Pre School classes this week! We appreciate his visit!
Gathering feedback from our school community is an essential part of our ongoing Leader in Me journey. We will be conducting the Measurable Results Assessment (MRA), a survey and reporting tool designed to help us evaluate our school’s progress, beginning Monday, October 7th. The MRA consists of three surveys:
One for all school staff. One for students in grades 4 and above. One for the families of students in all grades.
We encourage your participation so we can use your valuable feedback to make our school an even better place for students and families. Please note that all survey responses are anonymous to ensure honest and open feedback. A letter will be emailed to all families with the link to the survey tomorrow. We appreciate your feedback!
The registration deadline for the childrens’ Halloween Party is Monday, October 7th. Reservations for the adult Halloween party are due October 18th. Please be sure to send in the $5 Trunk or Treat fee if you did not submit the upfront event fee.
We are thankful to the Deegan family for organizing and running the Lucky Straw tables at the Christmas Fair. The children love it! Lucky Straw donations can be sent in with students or dropped off at the school. Thank you for your support!
Be on the lookout for the Thanksgiving Pie fundraiser flyer that will be sent out soon. A special thanks to Mrs. Vella for providing us with the opportunity to purchase delicious holiday pies from Alphonso’s while supporting our school.
This week we look forward to the school rosary (grades 2 - 8), the 5th grade zoo trip, the National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony, and the 7th grade “A Day in the Life of the Hudson” trip.
There will be a meeting for those parents interested in the Craft Mom program this Thursday, October 10, at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Art Club continues for grades 1 & 2 this week.
Friday, October 11th will be a 12:00 dismissal day as there will be a faculty meeting for teachers. Dismissal time for PreK students will be posted by the PreK teachers.
Several students have been coming to the school office for water bottles. Please be sure to give your child enough water for the day as the office does not always have a supply on hand.
The after school Chess Club is back! Be on the lookout for a flyer early next week. The club will meet 10/21, 10/28, /11/4, 11/18, 11.25, and 12/2 from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Dismissal will be from the door behind the rectory. There will be a $10 fee per student for the 6 week program. Students in grades 4 through 6 are invited to join.
Parents please keep a close eye on students at dismissal. There have been instances where children have run on the sidewalk on Lindenwood Rd. which is quite dangerous as bus and car traffic on Lindenwood is heavy at that time of day.
Have a Blessed Week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events Monday, 10/7/24 Leader in Me MRA Survey Opens Monday, 10/7/24 School Rosary Grades 2 - 8 Tuesday, 10/8/24 5th Grade Trip Wednesday, 10/9/24 NJHS Induction 3:30 p.m. Church Thursday, 10/10/24 Grade 7 Trip ‘A Day in the Life of the Hudson’ Friday, 10/11/24 12:00 Dismissal Faculty Meeting Monday, 10/14/24 No School Columbus Day Tuesday, 10/15/24 Catalog Sale Ends Wednesday, 10/16/24 Confirmation Inscription 8:30 a.m. Church Friday, 10/18/24 Mothers Club Dress Down Tuesday, 10/22/24 Teacher Conference-No school for students Friday, 10/25/24 Leader in Me MRA Survey Closes Saturday, 10/26/24 Halloween Party CCC 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Saturday, 10/26/24 Adult Halloween Party CCC 8:00 p.m. Thursday, 10/31/24 Trunk or Treat Grades PreK - 7 Thursday, 10/31/24 8th Grade Halloween Party