Dear School Families,
As we begin Thanksgiving Week we are reminded of all we are thankful for. We thank God for our school community, for our dedicated and caring teachers and staff, for our clergy who help us to grow in our faith, for our supportive and loving families, and for our amazing students who are examples of Christ’s love every day. May God bless us always!
All students and staff may dress in St. Clare Spirit wear (St. Clare school t-shirts, team sweats, etc.) or gym uniforms on Wednesday, November 22nd. No ripped jeans, slides, or cropped tops please.
Be sure to check out the captivating article on Staten Live (https://tinyurl.com/ItalianFairyVisit) highlighting Mrs. Dos Santos, a visit from the Italian Fairy, and our exceptional Italian program! The students were thrilled to witness the Italian Fairy in person!
Mrs. Lee shares the following from our students’ outstanding performance at the Islandwide Spaghetti-Marshmallow Engineering Contest:
St. Clare students were out in full force and reaped many awards on Nov. 18 at the Islandwide Spaghetti-Marshmallow Engineering Contest run by the Staten Island Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
Over 40 St. Clare students from Grades 3-8 were among a multitude of entries. In all, our students created 24 amazing structures that were presented to professional architects at Monsignor Farrell High School.
Prizes of $200, $100 & $75 gift cards were awarded to the top three entries in each category. The Best in Show prize award was a LEGO Eiffel Tower. Congratulations to the St. Clare winners. They were:
A special thank you to Mrs. Lee and congratulations to all of our students who participated. Your creativity is truly inspiring!
Photos taken at the event: https://photos.app.goo.gl/k5VRTqUza3R5gE6S8
Report cards will be released on Monday, November 20th. Please be sure that your child’s tuition is up-to-date.
8th Grade Parents are reminded to return the completed public high school form on Monday, November 20th. A flocknote was sent out last week with a screencast explaining how to complete the form. Please contact Mrs. Kneeshaw or Mrs. Miller if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving assembly this coming Tuesday, November 21st. All students may wear their gym uniforms on Tuesday the 21st. A special thank you to Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Baricella, and our 8th grade students for organizing the assembly. Students please be sure to bring in some canned food on Tuesday for the assembly. The items collected will replenish the St. Clare Food Pantry.
Tuesday is a 12:00 dismissal day for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be virtual. You should have received a time for your conference from your child’s teacher. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
There will be no Chess Club or Rosary Club on 11/21/23 because of the 12:00 dismissal.
Thanksgiving Pie orders may be picked up on Tuesday, November 21st at the Cardinal Cooke Center from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Thank you to Mrs. Vella and to all who supported this fundraiser.
All PreK children are required to have a flu shot by December 31st. Proof of the vaccine must be provided to the nurse no later than January 3rd, 2024 on our return from Christmas break. This vaccine is required to remain in our program as per Article 43. Please call the school office if you have any questions.
School Spirit Wear order forms are due by November 22nd.
We are currently collecting new, unwrapped toys for the Cops Care For Kids Toy Drive. The toys will be picked up on 12/1/23 (this is an updated date from earlier communication) so please be sure to bring in all donations by 11/30/23. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Memorial Wreaths are a lovely way to honor a loved one during the holiday season. More information can be found on the flyer which has been posted to the school website.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
11/20/23 Report Cards Released
11/21/23 12:00 Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences
11/21/23 Thanksgiving Assembly; Food Donations; Students may wear gym uniforms
11/22/23 Spirit Wear Dress Down
11/23/23 No School Thanksgiving Holiday
11/23/23 Thanksgiving Mass 9:00 a.m.
11/24/23 No School Thanksgiving Holiday
11/29/23 Christmas Fair
12/1/23 School Closed Teacher Conference Day
12/5/23 Picture Retake Day
12/8/23 Immaculate Conception Mass led by Grade 5
12/9/23 Breakfast with Santa (PreK - Grade 4)
12/11/23 Whole School Reconciliation (Grades 3 - 8)
12/12/23 Kindergarten Pageant 12:00 in the church
12/15/23 8th Grade Pageant 7:00 p.m. in the church
12/18/23 Crafty Moms in the Classroom
12/20/23 PreK Pageant Cardinal Cooke Center
12/21/23 3rd Grade Christmas Concert
12/22/23 12:00 Dismissal--No Aftercare Christmas Vacation Begins