Dear School Parents,
Yesterday was the Confirmation Retreat for our 7th grade students. The students spent time learning more about the sacrament of Confirmation, acting out parables, and meditating on their faith. A special thank you to Mrs. Vautrinot, Mrs. Continanzi, Mrs. Miller, Ms. Ferro, Mrs. Upton, Deacon Salhaney, and Fr. Jeff Pomeisl for providing our students with a spiritually enriching experience.
Congratulations to seminarians Jonathan Castro and William Mendoza on their ordination to the Order of Deacon. Please continue to keep Jonathan and William in your prayers as they continue on their journey to the priesthood.
Our students had a spooktacular time at the Trunk or Treat and 8th grade Halloween Party. Thank you to all of our class reps, Mothers Club officers, and parent volunteers for all of their hard work!
Students should now be wearing the winter uniform. Please be sure to check the school website or call the school office if you have any questions about the uniform.
Our Father’s Club will be hosting Monday Night Football on November 6th at The Ole Swiss, 18 Nelson Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10308 from 8:00 pm to 11:00pm. The Google Sheet for boxes is here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MRpXQwp_hThUjCNHQc_FMtlkQOYpiKvN9zvxXXeg-xA/edit#gid=0
The venmo payment link is here https://venmo.com/u/TheCrusaderDads.
Thanksgiving Pie orders are due Monday, November 6th. Special thanks to Mrs. Vella for organizing this fundraiser.
School pictures will be taken for students in grades K - 7 on Tuesday, November 7th. Picture forms were sent home last week.
There will be a yearbook meeting after school on Tuesday, November 7th from dismissal - 3:30 p.m.
We will be piloting pizza for lunch on November 8th. Be sure to place your order by 9:00 p.m. the night before if you are interested.
Last call for Kindergarten Art Club registrations. Please call the school office if you have any questions about the club.
There will be a dress down day on Thursday, November 9th. Students are asked to donate $3 to dress down. The money will be used to purchase basket items for future school events. No ripped jeans, slides, or cropped tops please.
Thursday is also a 12:00 dismissal day to accommodate a school faculty meeting.
Our school will be closed this Friday in recognition of Veterans Day. We express our gratitude to all the individuals who have selflessly served our nation and those who are currently serving. Our prayers are with them.
Report cards will be released on November 20th. PreK students receive report cards during the 2nd and 4th quarters. Parent-Teacher conferences for all students (PreK - Grade 8) will be held virtually on November 21st. There will be a 12:00 dismissal on the 21st. Please be sure that tuition payments are up-to-date so that a report card can be received.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
11/6/23 Dad’s Club Monday Night Football
11/9/23 12:00 Dismissal Regional Faculty Meeting
11/9/23 Mothers Club Dress Down
11/10/23 No School Veterans Day
11/17/23 Pretzel Day
11/20/23 Report Cards Released
11/21/23 12:00 Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences
11/23/23 No School Thanksgiving Holiday
11/24/23 No School Thanksgiving Holiday
11/29/23 School Christmas Fair