As we enter this second week of Advent we reflect on Jesus as the Prince of Peace who came to bring profound and lasting peace to the world. May we all be instruments of peace this week.
Our Christmas Fair and Breakfast with Santa were a delightful kickoff to our festive holiday activities! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Carcione, Mrs. Fraschilla, Mrs. Canterino, Mrs. Salvaggio, Mrs. Comello, Mrs. D’Angelo, Mrs. Emanuele, Mrs. Kelley, Mrs. Persico, Mrs. Varvara, Mrs. Festa, Mrs. Bove, the Bianco family, Mrs. Gardella, Mr. Quirk, Mrs. John, Mrs. D’Ambrosio, Mrs. Plaza, Mrs. Spensieri, Deacon Salhanney, Mrs. Smith, and all our incredible parent volunteers for their dedication and hard work in organizing these two spectacular events! We also thank our maintenance staff for their assistance during the event.
A special thank-you goes to Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, and Mrs. Greenblum for their unwavering commitment and leadership in spearheading Mothers' Club activities.
Our 5th grade students will lead us in our school Mass celebrating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at 10:00 am on Monday.
Best of luck to Ulysses Deegan and Olivia Yenzer who will be representing St. Clare at the Staten Island Catholic School Spelling Bee on Wednesday, December 11th.
Our 3rd Grade Christmas Concert will bring holiday joy on Thursday, December 12th at 8:30 am in the school gym.
We are also looking forward to our PreK pageant on Friday, December 13th. We appreciate the hard work of our PreK teachers, aides, and staff in preparing our students. Siblings in K - 8 who will be attending the PreK 3 show should attend the show with their families and come to school late. Parents should sign out K - 8 siblings who will be attending the PreK 4 show at the security desk before the show so that they can attend the show with you.
The Jr. Giving Circle Toy Drive finishes this Tuesday, December 10th. Your support of this initiative for Staten Island children in need is appreciated!
Our Christmas Wreath Fundraiser continues. Thank you to Mrs. Contino for her hard work on this fundraiser and to the Dad’s Club for donating the wreaths.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Monday, 12/9/24 Jesse Tree Service Grades 2, 3, 4 Monday, 12/9/24 10:00 Immaculate Conception Mass led by Grade 5 Tuesday, 12/10/24 Class Trip Grades 5 & 6 Thursday, 12/12/24 3rd Grade Show 8:30 School Auditorium Friday, 12/13/24 PreK Pageant, PreK 3-9:00; PreK 4--12:00 CCC Gym Tuesday, 12/17/24 Kindergarten Pageant 12:00 Church Wednesday, 12/18/24 8th Grade Pageant 7:00 p.m. Church Thursday, 12/19/24 Christmas Craft in the Classroom Thursday, 12/19/24 Advent Prayer Service 1:00 Friday, 12/20/24 Christmas Class Parties, 12:00 dismissal Friday, 12/20/24 No Aftercares, Last day of school before Christmas Break Wednesday, 1/1/25 New Year’s Day Brunch, Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of our parish Monday, 1/6/25 Return to school