On Friday we had three lovely May Crowning services in school. Each service was uniquely beautiful and a wonderful opportunity to pray together as a community to honor the Blessed Mother. Our second graders, in their communion finery, led us in the first joyful celebration in the church for grades 2 - 8.
Our kindergarten and 1st grade students honored Mary outside at our Lady of Fatima statue. Lastly, our PreK students honored Mary in the chapel. Thank you to our teachers, Fr. Brendan, our sacristan, Mrs. Santore, and our maintenance staff for their help. A special thank you to the Sinatra family for their lovely flower donations.
Our PreK moms had a delightful time at Muffins with Mom this past week. A special thank you to Mrs. Abruzzo and Mrs. Vella for organizing this event.
The 8th grade Broadway trip to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was thoroughly enjoyable! Thank you to Mrs. Kneeshaw, Mrs. Miller, and the parent chaperones for a lovely outing.
On Thursday, May 16th, our 5th grade students treated us to a lively performance of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. Thanks to Mrs. Barricella, Ms. Billera, and Mrs. Chiusano for helping our students to share their talent!
This week will be another busy week at St. Clare. Students in grades PreK - Grade 1 will have their vision tested by the Department of Health this week. We look forward to our Drama Club’s presentation of Annie Jr. on Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. A flyer was recently sent home with information regarding ticket purchases. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door. A special thank you to Spotlight Theatre for bringing their amazing drama program to our school!
On Wednesday, our 8th grade students will attend the Staten Island Region’s Mass for all graduating 8th graders. Later that day, our 7th grade students will receive the sacrament of Confirmation. There will be a 12:30 dismissal on Wednesday. Please note the dismissal time as it is different from our usual half-day dismissal time. PreK parents, your child’s teacher will share dismissal information with you.
Wednesday is also the last day to register for Catapult’s Summer Journey program. This complimentary program offers fantastic opportunities for our students. It's offered in person at Father Vincent Capodanno Catholic Academy, Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Teresa-St. Rita STREAM Academy, Sacred Heart, and St. Charles. Additionally, there's a virtual option available. The program operates Monday through Thursday from July 8th to August 15th. Completing the program fulfills summer school requirements. A letter containing child specific registration information was recently sent home. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
This week is the last week to submit Math-a-thon donations. Thank you to all who donated!
Congratulations to passionate reader 4th grade student, Jason Recine, the St. Clare Readers are Leaders winner. Well done, Jason!
Plans for Field Day on June 14th are underway. Be on the lookout for an informational flyer which will be sent out via Flocknote next week.
Please continue to submit your Kiss the School Year Goodbye requests. The deadline is May 29th. We appreciate Mrs. Abruzzo and Mrs. Vella’s hard work on this fundraiser.
MAP testing will conclude this week.
School will be closed on Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
5/9 - 5/24 MAP Testing
5/20/24 Annie Jr. Dress Rehearsal
5/21/24 8th Grade Finals Begin
5/21/24 Annie Jr. Play
5/22/24 12:30 Dismissal; 8th Grade Mass
5/22/24 2:00 Confirmation 2:00 p.m.
5/24/24 No School Religious Ed Confirmation
5/27/24 No School Memorial Day
5/29/24 8th Gr Picnic
5/30/24 Religion Final Grades 3 - 8
5/31/24 Candle Mass led by grades 7 & 8