In this week’s readings we are reminded that we are all called to love one another; to share Christ’s love through our kindness to others. May we remember this as we go about our daily activities this week.
On Friday evening, our 5th, 6th, and 7th graders enjoyed a fun-filled party in the school gym! A special thanks to Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Carpenito, Mrs. Galluzzo, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Palazzola, Mrs. Polizzi, Mrs. Seamans, Mrs. Siracusa, Mrs. Tellez, and Mrs. Vallejo for all of their help with the event.
This week, grades 3, 5, 6, and 7 will take the math state exam on Tuesday, May 7th and Wednesday, May 8th. Chromebooks will not be available for loan as all school devices will be used for the administration of the test.
We are looking forward to celebrating the work of our St. Clare artists at the Art Show on Wednesday, May 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the school gym. A special thank you to Mrs. Bocchino, Mrs. Contino, and our student artists for their hard work.
Our 3rd grade students will lead us at our Ascension Thursday Mass on May 9th. All students will attend Mass as it is a Holy Day of Obligation.
A special thank you to Mrs. Gardella for all of her hard work organizing our Plant & Book Sale which will take place on Friday, May 10th. Please note that Scholastic books and other items will also be available for purchase.
This Saturday, May 11th, our beautiful 2nd graders will receive their First Holy Communion. Our students are well prepared for their special day thanks to the dedication of Ms. Revello, Mrs. Rodriguez, and our clergy. May God bless them always!
There will be no school for students on Monday, May 13th as school is closed for a teacher conference day.
Last call for the St. Clare Summer STEM Science Pirates Camp! Registration for week 2 of the camp (July 8-12) will close on May 10th. There is currently a waiting list for week 1 of the camp.
It is with great pleasure that I share the link to the 2nd edition of The Crusader Chronicles, our school newspaper. Congratulations to our reporters, photographers, and editors on a job well done! The newspaper can be accessed at: Newspaper club members are reminded that the club’s last meeting will be this Thursday, May 9th.
A flocknote will be sent out this weekend for our new Photography Club. Be sure to register if you are interested. The first meeting will be held at school on 5/16/24. Please see the Flocknote for more information. A special thanks to Giuliana Picone and Gabriella Maniscalco for organizing the club.
Wishing everyone celebrating Mother’s Day this coming Sunday a blessed day!
Please review the list of upcoming events that follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
5/7/24 5th, 3rd, 6th, and 7th Grade Math State Exam
5/8/24 5th, 3rd, 6th, and 7th Grade Math State Exam
5/8/24 Art Show
5/9/24 Ascension Thursday Mass led by Gr 3
5/9 - 5/24 MAP Testing
5/10/24 Plant Sale
5/11/24 First Holy Communion (2-1 & 2-2) 10:00 a.m.
5/13/24 No School--Conference Day
5/15/24 8th Grade Broadway Trip; PreK Muffins with Mom
5/16/24 5th Grade Play Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
5/17/24 May Crowning; Confirmation Retreat
5/20/24 Annie Jr. Dress Rehearsal
5/21/24 8th Grade Finals Begin
5/21/24 Annie Jr. Play
5/22/24 12:30 Dismissal; 8th Grade Mass
5/22/24 2:00 Confirmation
5/24/24 No School Religious Ed Confirmation
5/27/24 No School Memorial Day
5/29/24 8th Gr Picnic
5/30/24 Religion Final Grades 3 - 8
5/31/24 Candle Mass led by grades 7 & 8