Tomorrow our parish will celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi also known as the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. During this feast, we honor Jesus, really, truly, and substantially present in the Eucharist. There will be a procession with the Eucharist following the 10:00 Mass. I had the pleasure of attending the procession last year and found it to be a truly moving experience. I hope you are able to take this opportunity to walk with our Lord.
Our 8th graders had a spectacular time at their picnic this past Wednesday. We are grateful to our 8th grade class moms, Mrs. Pinto and Mrs. Quinones, parent volunteers, Mrs. Oricchio, Mrs. Pulcino, Mrs. Scaramuzzino, Mrs. Siniscalchi, the Zucconi family and our 8th grade teachers for planning such a great time for the 8th graders.
On Friday, our students attended the last school mass of the year. The Mass was a special one for our 8th and 7th grade students as our 8th graders passed their light of leadership to the 7th graders. Father Arthur’s homily provided our students with words to live by. It is a message that all of us would benefit from hearing. You can find a transcript of Father’s homily on the school website.
Following Mass, our 8th grade ELF team members accompanied Mrs. Lee and their parents to present at the Billion Oyster Project Student Symposium on Governors Island. Our team did an outstanding job, winning an Exemplary Project Award. Sadly, Mrs. Lee tripped on faulty pavement on the trip home, breaking her humerus bone. We are so thankful to Mrs. Wildes, Mrs. Quinones, Mrs. Pulcino, Mrs. Siniscalchi, Mr. von der Osten, Mr. Dunleavy, Mr. Curley, and Mr. Brown for going above and beyond to help take care of Mrs. Lee. Please keep Mrs. Lee in your prayers as she recovers.
This week we look forward to the PreK’s Donuts for Dad on Wednesday and the 8th grade dance on Wednesday night. A special thank you to Mrs. Abruzzo, Mrs. Vella, and our PreK 4 class moms for organizing Donuts for Dad and to Mrs. Pinto, Mrs. Quinones, and our parent volunteers for all of their help with the 8th grade dance.
Friday, June 7th will be an 11:00 dismissal day as our 8th grade students will be graduating at 1:00 p.m.
Plans for Field Day which will be held on Friday, June 14th are well underway. A special thank you to Mrs. Bongiorni and Mrs. Napolitano for organizing this event.
We also look forward to our 4th grade concert on Monday, June 11th, our PreK Step-up on Wednesday, June 12, and our Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday, June 13th.
Reminder: there will be no aftercare on June 20th, the last day of school.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
6/5/24 Donuts for Dads PreK
6/5/24 8th Grade Dance
6/7/24 11:00 Dismissal 8th Grade Graduation
6/11/24 4th Grade Concert
6/12/24 PreK Step Up; Last day for PreK students
6/13/24 Kindergarten Graduation
6/14/24 Field Day
6/17/24 Italian Fairy Presentation
6/19/24 No School -- Juneteenth
6/20/24 12:00 Dismissal - Last day of school No Aftercare