Week of 9/24/23
Dear School Families,
In this week’s Gospel, we heard the parable of the workers in the vineyard. It is easy for us to understand how the first laborers who were hired would feel envious that the last hired did much less work but received the same payment. It seems that as humans we are apt to compare ourselves to others. The parable points out that God rewards all who follow him.
Thank you to Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Greenblum, and Mrs. Puliafito for planning a wonderfully informative Mother’s Cub Meeting. A special thanks to Fr. Arthur, for leading us in prayer, and speakers, Mr. Bob Nebel and Regional Superintendent Jann Amato for joining us.
A few gentle reminders…Please be sure that students’ clothing is labeled with their name. The number of sweatshirts and sweaters in our lost and found is growing. Most items do not have a student’s name written on the label.
Students should only be taken out of school early for an unavoidable reason (e.g orthodontist appointment). Please email the student’s teacher or call the school office if your child must leave early.
A flyer was recently sent out for Pretzel Day (September 29th). Pretzel orders are due early next week. Be on the lookout for flyers for the PreK - Grade 4 Halloween Party (October 28th) and Trunk or Treat (October 31st). Please be sure to adhere to all due dates. Be sure to check Flocknote messages as many of our flyers are distributed via Flocknote.
There will be a Zoom call on Wednesday, September 27th at 7:30 p.m. for the parents of 7th grade school students who will be receiving Confirmation this year. Please reach out to Mrs. Miller or Mrs. Vautrinot if you did not receive the link for the meeting.
This week’s ELF session will meet at Great Kills Park to tag monarch butterflies with Mrs. Lee and Ranger Kathy. The session runs from 3:30 - 5:00. There is still time to join ELF. 6th - 8th grade students who are interested should contact Mrs. Lee.
MAP testing continues this week and next. The insights gained from these exams will help our teachers to plan lessons that best fit the needs of our students. Please encourage your children to try their best on them.
Students in grade 2 and up are welcome to serve as lectors at 10 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Please contact Mrs. Griffo ([email protected]) if your child is interested.
We are still collecting names of those interested in helping paint a mural in the PreK. Please email Mrs. Olsen or Mrs. Griffo if you are interested.
A special thank you to the Iannotta family for a return visit of ‘our chicks’ to the lab. It was wonderful to see how much the chickens had grown since last year when they were newly hatched in the science lab.
There is no school for the students on Monday, September 25th as our teachers and staff will be participating in the Archdiocese’s Spirituality Day.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
9/18/23 Catalog Sale Continues
9/18/23 - 10/6/23 MAP Testing
9/25/23 No School Spirituality Conference Day
9/27/23 Zoom Meeting for Confirmation Parents 7:30 p.m.
10/4/23 PreK Photos; 8th Grade #24 Photo
10/6/23 First Friday Mass led by Grade 6 (8:30 a.m.)
10/9/23 No School Columbus Day
10/13/23 Faculty Meeting 12:00 Dismissal
10/17/23 NJHS Induction 3:30 p.m. Church