Week of 2/14/22
Dear School Families,
On Monday we celebrate Valentine’s Day and the 100th Day of School! Our school children, faculty, and staff are welcome to dress down in red to celebrate this special day.
We wish Fr. Patrick well as he leaves this week for his new assignment in the Diocese of Iowa. May God continue to bless him.
We welcome Fr. Jacob Thomas to St Clare! We look forward to working with Fr. Jacob as we strive to grow in our faith.
Congratulations to our Chocolate Sale winners--1st place Alyssa Gentile and 2nd place Alyana Isler!
Watch for our new Mystery Raffle beginning this coming week! Raffle tickets are 3 for $5 or 7 for $10. The Mystery Box will be on display in the PreK and the Big School.
This Thursday, February 17th, is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Your small act of kindness may make all the difference in someone’s day. Kindness is Contagious Pass it On!
One of our school families has a gently used crib that can convert into a toddler bed that they would like to donate. Please contact the school office if you could use the crib.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Important Dates
Monday, February 14th--Valentine’s Day Dress Down..students may wear red. No ripped jeans, slides, or cropped tops, please.
Tuesday, February 15th--12:00 dismissal Grades K - 8. PreK teachers will inform parents of dismissal time. Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Thursday, February 17th--2nd grade Valentine’s Day play. 8:30 a.m. in the Church. 2 adults may attend. Masks must be worn.
Thursday, February 17th--mandatory parent meeting for parents of students making First Holy Communion this year will be held on Thursday, February 17th in the church (note location change). Parents may attend either the 10:00 a.m. or 7:30 p.m. meeting.
Thursday, February 17th--Random Acts of Kindness Day!
Friday, February 18th--Reflection Ceremony for 8th-grade students. 8:30 a.m. in the church. 2 adults are welcome. Masks must be worn.
Friday, February 18th--PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade students will attend a virtual visit with Dr. Napolitano. Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Napolitano for visiting our students!
Monday, February 21st - Friday, February 25th--No school. Mid-winter recess. Enjoy the break!
Coming Up (More information to follow)
March 1st, Literary Dress Down Day--Dress as your favorite literary character
March 2nd, Ash Wednesday. 5th-grade students will lead us in Mass
March 3rd, Teacher Appreciation Day
March 4th, First Penance Class 2-2, 7:30 p.m. in the church
March 9th Spring Pictures (PreK students Only)
March 11th, 12:00 Dismissal Faculty Meeting; First Penance Class 2-1 7:30 p.m. in the church
March 12th, Virtual Confirmation Retreat 1:00 - 2:45
March 17th, First Grade St. Patrick’s Day Play 8:30 a.m. in the church
March 18th, PreK Spring Show Teachers will share time for each group
March 21st, 12:00 Dismissal Faculty Meeting
March 29th - March 31st State ELA Exam