Fr. Patrick’s farewell Mass was a moving tribute to a wonderful man. We thank Fr. Patrick for all he has done for our school and parish. It was splendid to see so many altar servers (including both current and former St. Clare students) at the Mass to celebrate Fr. Patrick.
Our school children will say goodbye to Fr. Patrick in their own special way on January 28th.
It was lovely to have another opportunity to wish Ms. Marie Noel God’s blessings at the Mass as she has begun her new ministry with the Archdiocese.
Tomorrow we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, keeping in mind one of his inspiring quotes, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”
Updates and reminders for the coming week follow.
Enjoy the rest of the long weekend!
Mrs. Olsen
This Coming Week
Midterm Exams for grades 6 - 8 will be given this week. The religion midterm will be given to students in grades 3 - 8 on Monday, January, 24th
Taping of the 8th grade Christmas Pageant has been rescheduled for Friday, January 21st. 8th-grade students please check your costume before Friday and bring it back to school on Friday morning in its original bag.
Please keep our 8th-grade students in your prayers as they may receive Catholic High School admission notices this week.
MAP testing will continue this week.
The 2nd Grade Virtual Reconciliation Retreat will be held on Saturday, January 22nd at 9:00 a.m. Each 2nd-grade student should attend with a parent. Ms. Revello and Ms. Meagher will share the Zoom link with the 2nd-grade parents.
Additional boxes of chocolate are available. Please contact the school office if you are interested.
Coming Up
Planning is underway for Catholic Schools Week (the week of January 30th). Crazy Hat and Sock Day and Comfy Cozy day are just a few of the activities that are planned. More information will be provided shortly.