Week of 5/23/22
Dear School Families,
This past week our 7th Grade students received the sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you all for a joyful celebration! May God bless our 7th graders and help them to continue to grow in their faith.
This weekend many of our students used their time to clean Jack’s Pond and the Great Kills Beach. Thank you, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Miller for working with our students, and thank you students for the inspiring example of living your faith.
We also are thankful for Addison Clifford and her family joining us at 5:00 Mass on Saturday for the crowning of our Blessed Mother.
Congratulations to 4th-grade student, Joseph Fleming, on being chosen as the St. Clare Readers are Leader winner. Great job, Joe!
This week we look forward to the 8th-grade picnic and our Ascension Thursday Mass led by our 4th graders.
Reminders and updates follow.
Have a Blessed Week!
Mrs. Olsen
The end of the year is quickly approaching. Please be sure that all tuition and other payments are up to date.
Field Day
We will be celebrating Field Day on Tuesday, June 14th. PreK 3-day students will be invited to come to participate. More information to follow.
Early Dismissal/School Closed
There will be a 12:00 dismissal on Friday, May 27th and school will be closed on Monday, May 30th.
Happy Memorial Day!
Upcoming Dates
May 9th - May 27th MAP Testing
May 24th, 8th grade picnic
May 26th Ascension Thursday Mass led by 4th grade
May 27th, 12:00 Dismissal
May 30th, No School Memorial Day
June 2nd, Confirmation Party in the CCC
June 2nd, 3rd-grade musical performance for parents in the Church 8:30
June 3rd, Candle Mass grades 7 & 8
June 7th, 5th-grade musical performance for parents in the Church 8:30
June 8th, 8th-grade dance
June 9th, 4th-grade musical performance for parents in the Church 8:30
June 10th, 11:00 dismissal 8th-grade graduation in the Church 2:00
June 13th, 12:00 Kindergarten graduation in the Church
June 14th, Field Day
June 15th, PreK Step Up PreK3 10:00; PreK 4 12:00, in the CCC, last day of school fro PreK
June 17th, Report Cards distributed
June 20th, No School-Juneteenth Holiday
June 21st, Last Day of School