Week of October 11th
This week I was happy to participate in 7th Grader Emma Guerci's prayer service. Emma was joined by several of her classmates and Mrs. Miller as they read scripture, prayed, and completed a craft. Our prayers are with all of our 7th graders as they continue their journey to Confirmation.
I was happy to see some of our students at St. Clare's Scoop Night on Friday. Thank you to Isabella Cortes and A.J. Capriotti for organizing this event to benefit our school.
I hope everyone enjoys the day off tomorrow as we celebrate Columbus Day!
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Olsen
Reminders and Notifications:
This week Kindergarten and 4th grade will take MAP tests.
Wednesday, October 13th---picture day for grades K - 7
Birthday Shopping with Ms. Jill
We are so happy that several of our families are celebrating students’ birthdays with Miss Jill’s store. Please send in birthday shopping requests at least a week in advance so that we can make sure we will have enough inventory on hand.
Service Opportunity
The 2021 JDRF Walk is scheduled for October 24th. This year there is an option to join others walking at the Staten Island Zoo or you are welcome to walk anywhere. This is a wonderful opportunity for not only our 7th graders but for all of our students to help others.
If you plan on participating, please be a part of kindergartner Sal Scura’s team, Salvatore’s Sweet Squad. For more information about Sal, please visit JDRF.org and search the team pages for Salvatore’s Sweet Squad.
Coming up