Dear School Families,
As we begin 2023 we mourn the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and pray that he receives the rewards of his earthly faith and ministry.
Prayers are also requested for Anthony Spennato, a St. Clare alumnus who is battling a rare cancer. Anthony is a freelance photographer for the SI Advance. Please visit this link to learn more about Anthony.
Thank you to everyone for the many delicious Christmas treats, baked goods, breakfast, and lunch items that were sent in for the faculty and staff. We appreciate your kindness and hope that everyone had a blessed Christmas and enjoyed the break.
Nucci’s January Lunch Menu has been posted to the school website. Please be sure to place orders for the new month before we return to school.
This month will be a busy one with MAP testing and midterm exams. Students in grades 6 - 8 will take midterm exams in religion, math, English, science, and social studies. 6th - 8th grade teachers have shared the exam dates and have posted study guides. Please reach out to the teachers if you have any questions.
Students in grades 3 - 5 will also take a religion midterm exam this month. More information will be provided by the teachers.
MAP exams will be scheduled throughout the month of January.
8th grade yearbook activity pictures are scheduled for Thursday, January 5th. Students may bring sport uniforms to school to change into for the pictures.
Our 4th grade students will lead us in First Friday Mass on Friday, January 6th.
We are looking forward to our Confirmation Retreat on Saturday, January 7th from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The retreat will begin in the church. Reminder…a parent or sponsor is required to attend the retreat with the Confirmation student.
An information meeting for parents of students receiving First Holy Communion will be held on Wednesday, January 11th at 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. Parents may attend whichever meeting works best for their schedule.
This month we also look forward to our Mother - Son Dance on January 21st. A flyer will be sent home shortly.
Flyers have already been sent home regarding our Talent Show which will take place on February 3rd. It is sure to be a fun-filled ending to Catholic Schools Week which begins on January 29th.
Chocolate boxes will be sent home mid-month for our mandatory chocolate fundraiser. As always, thank you for your support!
Please remember to adhere to the jewelry, personal appearance, and uniform requirements as indicated in the Student/Parent Handbook.
A listing of upcoming events follows.
As we begin 2023, we pray that we all experience Christ’s love with a joyful and thankful heart.
Happy New Year!
God bless!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming events