Dear School Families,
While consulting the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website, I saw that there are two choices for each of this week’s readings. While I’m not sure that we will hear Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 during Mass today, I was drawn to the first few verses of this reading,
“Thus says the LORD:
Here is my servant whom I uphold,
my chosen one with whom I am pleased,
upon whom I have put my spirit;
he shall bring forth justice to the nations,
not crying out, not shouting,
not making his voice heard in the street.
A bruised reed he shall not break,
and a smoldering wick he shall not quench,
until he establishes justice on the earth;
the coastlands will wait for his teaching.”
In these verses we meet a gentle Jesus who will lead and bring justice as God’s servant. May we serve others this week by living our faith with gentleness.
Please be advised that Spotlight Theatre has shared with us that the first meeting of the drama program has been changed to 1/27/25. Please mark your calendars.
Updates follow for several upcoming community/fundraising events. We greatly appreciate the hard work of our Mother’s Club Officers, Class Reps, and Dad’s Club for all they do. Thank you, parents and staff for supporting these efforts. The updates are:
Mandatory Candy Fundraiser--chocolate boxes will be sent home on Monday. A $60 fee will be charged to each family’s Blackbaud account in February. Please contact Mrs. Contino ([email protected]) if you would like additional boxes.
The Mother-Son Event will take place on Saturday, January 25th. Registrations are still being accepted. Thank you to all who are participating and to our class reps and Mothers Club officers for organizing this event.
Mother’s Club Dress Down Friday, January 24th
Dad’s Club Chipotle Fundraiser, Saturday, February 1st
Mother’s Club Dress Down, Monday, February 24th
Fashion Show Save the Date, Thursday, March 27th information regarding sponsorship opportunities will be sent home soon.
Radio Bingo Save the Date, Saturday, May 3rd. More information regarding a gift card dress down day and a class pizza party will be sent home as we get closer to the date of the event.
Reminder: as stated in our Student/Parent Handbook, students are not permitted to wear nail polish. Please make sure that nail polish is not worn during school as continued disregard for school rules may result in a lower conduct grade.
Communion Banner Kits were sent home on Friday. Completed banners are due the day of the 2nd grade’s communion retreat, Friday, May 2nd. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
We are pleased to announce that there will be a new after-school offering, Mega MInds, for students starting in February. There will be two program sessions that run concurrently, one for students in grades 4 & 5 on Thursday afternoons, the other for students in grades 2 and 3 on Wednesday afternoons. A flyer will be sent out soon with more information.
The alumni event that was tentatively scheduled for June 2025 has been postponed until next school year so that we can spend time developing a list of alumni contacts to ensure a successful event.
Reminder: There will be no bus service on Wednesday, January 29th. Please be sure to make alternate arrangements.
This year we will be celebrating the 100th year anniversary of our parish. We have added the St. Clare Jubilee Prayer (which can be found in the cover of our church missalette) to our morning prayers as we join with all parishioners in thanking the Lord for 100 years of faith, love and community at St. Clare Parish.
Jubilee Lawn Signs, celebrating the 100th anniversary of our parish, will be available for purchase following mass next weekend. A flocknote will be sent out shortly with more information.
Our parish is committed to enhancing the safety and security of our school campus. During the break, all outdated security cameras within the school building and across the campus were replaced with new, upgraded models. Additional cameras will be installed when they are received by the installation company.
Our older students are greatly enjoying their work on their selected projects, learning a skill of their choosing, as they continue to develop leadership skills in their Leader in Me classes under the guidance of teacher, Ms. Adinolfi. Great work, everyone!
We are finalizing plans for a fun filled Catholic Schools Week. This year, our day of service will benefit the Tunnel to Towers Organization. The festivities will kick off with a Mass at Sacred Heart Church on Sunday, January 26th at 11:00 a.m. A separate IRIS Alert will be sent out containing more information on all of our Catholic Schools Week activities.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Monday, 1/20/25 No School Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, 1/21/25 - 1/31/25 CBT Simulation
Friday, 1/24/25 Dress Down
Friday, 1/24/25 MAP testing ends
Saturday, 1/25/25 Mother - Son Event
Monday, 1/27/25 Open House Catholic Schools Week
Wednesday, 1/2925 NO BUS SERVICE
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Tunnel to Towers Service
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Friday, 1/31/25 Talent Show