Dear School Families,
This week, I was drawn to the second reading (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). In this reading, we are reminded of the many spiritual gifts we have received as followers of Jesus Christ. May we all use our gifts this week to help others.
Congratulations to 4th-grade student Philip Mafaro and 3rd-grade student Samantha Nunez for earning 4th place in their respective grades in the CYO Christmas Card Art Contest! Well done!
There has been an increase in students using smart watches to send text messages. The smart watch policy in the Student/Parent Handbook follows. I strongly encourage students to leave smart watches at home.
“Smart Watch Policy--While smartwatches may be worn to school, they will need to be turned in with cell phones to the homeroom teacher when the school day begins.”
There will be no school on Monday, January 20th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Students may wear gym uniforms on Tuesday, January 21st and Wednesday, January 22nd given the frigid weather forecasted. Please be sure to be mindful of IRIS Alerts for uniform and other updates on an ongoing basis.
Students in grades 3 - 8 will participate in a computer based testing (CBT) simulation next week. The simulation is an opportunity to recreate the testing environment to ascertain network performance and familiarize students with testing procedures. Teachers will continue to familiarize the students with CBT navigation from now until NY State test dates in April and May.
A shout out to our varsity cheerleaders as they prepare for their trip to the UCA Nationals. We congratulate the girls on their selection to participate and wish them the best of luck! You can read more about their journey to nationals on SI Live.
The Mother’s Club Dress Down is scheduled for Friday, January 24th.
We are looking forward to the Mother - Son Event on Saturday, January 25th. Please note that registration for the event is now closed.
There will be a swim assessment for students interested in joining the 2025 St. Clare Swim Team on January 27th. The assessment will take place at the South Shore YMCA (Grades 1 - 3 from 3:00 - 4:00; Grades 4 - 8 from 4:00 - 5:00). Students must be able to swim unassisted.
Kids Praise will meet in the Presentation Center Chapel on Monday, January 27th after school.
Flocknotes were sent out yesterday for the MegaMinds afterschool program for grades 2 & 3 and 4 & 5. Sessions begin in February. I hear from Mr. Martorano that there has been an overwhelming response for the 2nd and 3rd grade session. A waitlist will be instituted if needed and plans for additional sessions will be explored.
Gift Cards are now being accepted for the Radio Bingo Dress Down.
A Save the Date Flocknote was recently sent out for our Fashion Show. We hope to see everyone at the event on March 27th.
Catholic Schools Week is sure to be a fun, faith filled week beginning with Mass on Sunday, January 26th (11:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church) and ending with our Talent Show on Friday, January 31st. Join us as we cheer on our talented students. Tickets for the talent show will be available for purchase for $10 at the door.
There will be no bus service on Wednesday, January 29th.
Get ready for some delicious upcoming events! Mark your calendars for the Dad’s Club Chipotle Fundraiser on Saturday, February 1st, and don’t forget to place your Cupcake Day orders by February 7th. Don’t miss out!
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Monday, 1/20/25 No School Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, 1/21/25 - 1/31/25 CBT Simulation
Friday, 1/24/25 Dress Down
Friday, 1/24/25 MAP testing ends
Saturday, 1/25/25 Mother - Son Event
Sunday, 1/26/25 Catholic Schools Week Mass 11:00 Sacred Heart Church
Monday, 1/27/25 Open House Catholic Schools Week
Wednesday, 1/2925 NO BUS SERVICE
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Tunnel to Towers Service
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Friday, 1/31/25 Talent Show
Saturday, 2/1/25 Chipotle Fundraiser
Wednesday, 2/5/25 8th Grade Reflection Ceremony, 8:30 am Church
Friday, 2/7/25 First Friday Mass led by 1st Grade
Friday, 2/7/25 12:00 dismissal Faculty Meeting
Saturday, 2/8/25 Father Daughter Dance