Dear School Families,
In this week’s second reading (1 Corinthians 12:12-30) we read, “Now you are Christ's body, and individually parts of it.” It is through our actions toward others that we make up the Body of Christ. This week, 7th grade teacher Mrs. Vautrinot, with the assistance of Mrs. Miller and our 7th grade students created a beautiful piece of art demonstrating this very point. Each of our K-8 students participated by using their thumb print to make up the body of Christ in the drawing. It will proudly be displayed in our main school building.
Congratulations to our 8th grade students who received high school notifications this week! May the Lord guide them as they decide on their high schools.
The Mother-Son mini golf outing was fun for all! A special thank you to Ms. Shane, Mrs. Nunez, and our Mother’s Club Officers for their hard work on this event.
Congratulations to the St. Clare scouts who participated in the Pine Wood and Powder Puff derbies this weekend.
Several of our parish youth rose to the rank of veteran altar servers during Mass on Saturday night. Congratulations to Chloe Calcagno, Michael Chiusano, Alexandra Consiglio, Michael Dodd, Louis Garone, Serena Gervasi, Michael Guerci, Jenna Jaconetti, Charlie Merillo, Christian Merillo, Olivia Napolitano, Kaitlyn Nichols, James Pedersen, Shane Reed, Celeste Rubert, Khloe Simpson, Nathan Simpson, Luca Siracusa, and Avery Thomassen. May God bless them as they continue their important ministry!
We are so proud of our 2nd grade boy’s basketball team who represented our school at a recent Nets/Knicks game. The boys were anthem buddies at the game. Mr. Martorano received a letter from the Nets’ account executive who complimented the boys on their behavior. Well done, boys!
We appreciate the hard work of our maintenance staff this past week on keeping the ice at bay during extremely cold weather.
We are exploring the possibility of combining the two MegaMinds sessions to Wednesday as several students were closed out of the Wednesday session and very few have signed up for the Thursday session. More information to follow.
Please note that there is no bus service on Wednesday, January 29th.
Be sure to send in payment if you placed an order for a cupcake. Orders are not complete until payment is received. The deadline to place an order and send in payment is February 7th.
Friday, January 31st is the deadline for Father - Daughter reservations.
This week is sure to be enjoyable as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week! Spirit Day, Comfy Cozy Day, School-wide Bingo, and our Talent Show are just a few of the fun activities planned. We appreciate all of the sacrifices our families make to support Catholic Education and are honored to educate your children!
This year, we will support the Tunnel to Towers Foundation on our Catholic Schools Week Day of Service and throughout the week. Please consider donating to this worthwhile organization.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Sunday, 1/26/25 Catholic Schools Week Mass 11:00 Sacred Heart Church
Monday, 1/27/25 Open House Catholic Schools Week
Wednesday, 1/2925 NO BUS SERVICE
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Tunnel to Towers Service
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Friday, 1/31/25 Talent Show
Saturday, 2/1/25 Chipotle Fundraiser
Wednesday, 2/5/25 8th Grade Reflection Ceremony, 8:30 am Church
Friday, 2/7/25 First Friday Mass led by 1st Grade
Friday, 2/7/25 12:00 dismissal Faculty Meeting
Saturday, 2/8/25 Father Daughter Dance
Tuesday, 2/11/25 Report Cards Released
Thursday, 2/13/25 12:00 Dismissal Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, 2/14/25 2nd Grade Valentines Day Play 8:30 in the Auditorium
Monday, 2/17/25 - Friday, 2/21/25 No School Midwinter Break
Monday, 2/24/25 Mothers Club Dress Down
Thursday, 2/27/25 Grade 8 Science Trip
Friday, 2/28/25 Grade 7 Science Trip