Dear School Families,
When I reflected on this week’s readings, I was struck by the first two verses of the first reading (Isaiah 60:1-6): Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples; but upon you the LORD shines, and over you appears his glory. This passage reminds me that as we return to our day-to-day after celebrating our Lord’s birth, we can take comfort knowing that God’s love for us is unending and serves as a constant source of hope for all of life’s difficulties. May we be filled with hope this week.
This week, our school students will be visited by the 3 Kings on Monday and will be led by our 4th grade students at First Friday Mass on the 10th.
There is a mandatory parent meeting for those students who will be receiving First Holy Communion on Wednesday, January 8th. There will be two meeting times (10:00 a.m.; 7:30 p.m.) to accommodate parents’ schedules. The meeting will take place in the chapel. We ask that one parent attends the meeting.
Yearbook Club photos for 8th grade students will be taken on Thursday, January 9th.
The Letter of Intent (PNI) for the 2025 - 2026 school year for those students who receive services (IESP) will be sent out shortly via email from the TADS/Educate system. This letter MUST be completed and returned to [email protected] with a cc to Mrs. Griffo ([email protected]) and Mrs. Hyatt ([email protected]) if you would like your child to continue to receive services for the 25 - 26 school year. While the deadline is June 1st, I STRONGLY advise parents to send the completed form as soon as possible. Please call the school office if you have any questions.
The January lunch menu for Osteria Santina has been posted to the school website. Please be sure to place orders for January by Sunday evening.
There are a few deadlines for upcoming events that are important to keep in mind. The deadline to register to participate in this year’s talent show is Monday, January 6th. The show will take place on Friday, January 31st. Please see the recent Flocknote for additional information.
The deadline to register for the Mother-Son event is Friday, January 10th. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 25th. A Flocknote was sent out with additional information over the break and will be sent out again on Monday, January 6th in case you missed it.
MAP testing begins this coming Wednesday and will continue throughout the month of January.
Our mandatory chocolate fundraiser will begin the week of January 13th.
The after school drama program will begin with auditions for Peter Pan Jr. on Monday, January 13th from 2:45 - 5:00 in the school gym.
We look forward to Catholic Schools Week which will begin with a Mass for all Staten Island Catholic School families on Sunday, January 26th. More information to follow.
Our Open House will take place on Monday, January 27th at 9:00 a.m. Please share the news of the open house with family and friends who may be interested in attending our school.
Important reminder: All students under the age of 5 may only return to school with proof of flu vaccination. Please be sure to send in proof of the vaccine with your child on January 6th if you have not already done so. Students without proof of vaccination will be sent home as per the requirements of the NY State Health Department.
Please note that there will be no bus service on Wednesday, January 29th.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Monday, 1/6/25 Return to school
Monday, 1/6/25, 3 Kings Visit
Wednesday, 1/8/25 MAP testing begins
Wednesday, 1/8/25 10:00 am / 7:30 pm Mandatory Parent Meeting
Wednesday, 1/8/25 Yearbook Club Photos (8th grade)
Friday, 1/10/25 8:30 First Friday Mass led by Grade 4
Monday, 1/20/25 No School Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, 1/21/25 - 1/31/25 CBT Simulation
Friday, 1/24/25 Dress Down
Friday, 1/24/25 MAP testing ends
Saturday, 1/25/25 Mother - Son Event
Monday, 1/27/25 Open House Catholic Schools Week
Wednesday, 1/2925 NO BUS SERVICE
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Tunnel 2 Towers Service
Wednesday, 1/29/25 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
Friday, 1/31/25 Talent Show