In this week’s second reading, we are reminded that we are called to live our faith boldly. One way of doing so is by helping others. We are excited by the many opportunities to help others that are being spearheaded by our Jr. Giving Circle. Please continue to watch for many opportunities to help throughout the year.
We are thankful to the many parents who have stepped forward to help with our upcoming events. Planning is underway!
The Mothers’ Club has asked that I mention that donations are now being accepted for our many upcoming functions. Baskets (contents, filler, and the baskets themselves) can be dropped off at the Lindenwood Rd. entrance between 8:30 and 1:30 when school is in session.
Art Club registration is now closed. Mrs. Bocchino will be reaching out to the students directly.
Be sure to place your October Nucci meal orders by Sunday night for Monday, October 3rd. Orders may be placed throughout the month.
This week there will be a Zoom call for Confirmation parents on October 4th at 7:00 p.m. Teachers will post important information after the meeting for those who are unable to attend.
TACHS documents have been added to the school website (Current Parents; Parent Memos). It is important that parents review these documents well in advance of the exam. School devices may be borrowed for the exam if needed. Please be sure to visit the TACHS information site ( if you have any questions.
An enrollment form for the PreK Pizza Friday program was sent home on Friday. Please be sure to return the signed form if you would like to enroll your child in this program. The $5 fee for pizza must be sent in by Wednesday of each week. Pizza will only be ordered for those students who send in the $5 fee by Wednesday of each week.
Speaking of the PreK, pictures are scheduled for this coming Wednesday, October 5th. A picture form was sent home. A Flocknote was also sent out indicating how to order online.
We currently have 3 St. Clare sweatshirts in our lost and found. Please be sure to label your child’s clothing.
Please note that the 8th Gr ‘23’ photo will be moved to early spring.
Be sure to review the Coming Up section below.
Have a blessed week! Mrs. Olsen
Coming Up
MAP testing continues through 10/7
Meadow Farms Fundraiser continues through 10/7
Sunday, October 2nd--Blessing of the Animals 4:00 pm
Tuesday, October 4th--8th grade trip to St. Joseph by the Sea
Tuesday, October 4th--Confirmation Parent Meeting (Zoom) 7:00 p.m.)
Friday, October 7th--First Friday Mass led by 6th Grade
Friday, October 7th--Deadline for Extended Time for TACHS Exam
Monday, October 10th--No School, Columbus Day
Sunday, October 16th--JDRF Walk
Thursday, October 20th--No School, Religion Conference Day
Friday, October 21st--12:00 Dismissal Faculty Meeting
Saturday, October 29th--Halloween Party grades PreK - 5
Monday, October 31st--Trunk or Treat Grades PreK - 7