Dear School Families,
In this week’s Gospel (Mk 1:12-15) we read, “Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: "This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel." May we all spend this time of Lent in prayer, fasting, and service to others.
A special thank you to our 1st grade students, Mrs. Rodriguez, Mrs. Goldstein, Mrs. Barricella, Mrs. Caputo, and Mrs. Capuano for leading us in a beautiful Mass on Ash Wednesday.
Our 2nd graders delighted all in attendance with their wonderful Valentine’s Day performance on Thursday, February 15th. Thank you students, Ms. Revello, Mrs. Rodriguez, and Mrs. Barricella for a heart-warming play!
Congratulations to our 2nd grade students who received the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time on Friday evening. May God bless them as they continue their preparations to receive their First Holy Communion this May.
The St. Clare Kids’ Praise group will be heading a fundraiser at the WWII Veterans War Memorial Ice Skating Rink at Clove Lakes Park on Friday, February 23rd. All proceeds will support the St. Clare Lenten Mission benefiting our sister church in Haiti. A flyer with more details will be sent out via Flocknote shortly.
May this week’s break provide time for all of us to rest, rejuvenate, and spend time with family friends.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
2/19 - 2/23 School Closed Mid Winter Break
2/28/24 Mothers Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. School Cafeteria
3/1/24 First Friday Mass led by 2nd Grade
3/1/24 Fashion Show Hilton Garden Inn
3/4/24 Whole School Reconciliation (Grades 3 - 8)
3/6/24 PreK Spring Photos
3/8/24 Stations of the Cross
3/12/24 6th Grade Production of Godspell
3/13/24 Radio Bingo Dress Down
3/19/24 1st Grade St. Patrick’s Day Play
3/19/24 Green Dress Down Day
3/20/24 7th & 8th Grade movie trip to see Cabrini
3/22/24 PreK Easter Hat Parade
3/28/24 No School--Holy Thursday
3/29/24 No School--Good Friday
4/1 - 4/5/24 No School Easter Break