This week our 8th grade students will participate in a reflection ceremony. It is a time for them to reflect on their years at St. Clare as they prepare to leave us in June. This week may we think of them as we continue to celebrate the centennial year of our parish growing in faith, serving with compassion, and building a loving community.
Thank you to everyone’s hard work to make our Open House and other Catholic Schools Week activities a huge success. We appreciate Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. John, the Bianco Family, our teachers and staff for making this a wonderful week for our students. A special thank you to Mrs. Contino, Mrs. Abruzzo, Mrs. Gardella, Mrs. Delgado and our maintenance staff for going above and beyond to make everything run smoothly.
Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students were inspired by the presentation given by the Tunnel to Towers team that visited: Firefighter Tom Petty, St. Clare Alumnus Matthew Bocchino, and Ms. LaurenAnn Barbarino. Your generous donations enabled us to collect over $1,700 for the Foundation.
Our students did a wonderful job at the Talent Show on Friday night! Thank you to Mrs. Bonavita for organizing the event. Thanks also to Mrs. Bannon, Mrs. Carpenito, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Sheehan, Mr. Weaver, Mr. Romano, Mr. Vallejo, Mr. Costelo, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Bongiorni, St. Clare alumnus Christina Powers, 8th grade student Avery Casciani, and the other parent volunteers who helped to make the night a huge success! We were happy to see so many of our faculty members and our clergy in attendance!
The Wednesday session for the MegaMinds after school program has now reached full capacity. Payment is now due.
Please be sure to review the February lunch menu and place orders as Monday is February 3rd.
Our 8th grade Reflection Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, February 5th at 8:30 am in the church.
Friday, 2/7/25 is a 12:00 dismissal day for a faculty meeting.
Our 2nd grade students will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation on Friday, February 7th at 7:30 the church.
Best of luck to our varsity cheerleaders as they compete in Nationals in Florida. We are so proud of them!
We are excited for the Father-Daughter Dance on Saturday, February 8th! A special thank you to Mrs. Vallejo and Mrs. Rubert for organizing this event, as well as our Mothers Club officers and parent volunteers for their dedication and support. Registration for this event is now closed.
Be sure to send in payment if you placed an order for a cupcake. Orders are not complete until payment is received. The deadline to place an order and send in payment is February 7th.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, 2/5/25 8th Grade Reflection Ceremony, 8:30 am Church Friday, 2/7/25 First Friday Mass led by 1st Grade Friday, 2/7/25 12:00 dismissal Faculty Meeting Friday, 2/7/25 2nd grade First Reconciliation 7:30 in the church Saturday, 2/8/25 Father Daughter Dance Tuesday, 2/11/25 Report Cards Released Thursday, 2/13/25 12:00 Dismissal Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences Friday, 2/14/25 2nd Grade Valentines Day Play 8:30 in the Auditorium Monday, 2/17/25 - Friday, 2/21/25 No School Midwinter Break Monday, 2/24/25 Mothers Club Dress Down Thursday, 2/27/25 Grade 8 Science Trip Friday, 2/28/25 Grade 7 Science Trip