Dear School Families,
When reflecting on this week’s readings, I was especially drawn to the second reading (Rom 8:31b-34). To me, it is a reminder that God is always with us. This earthly life can be filled with challenges. At times, when we are faced with challenges, we become so consumed by the struggle we can forget that God is there to lighten our burdens. Hopefully our break this past week gave us all the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate. May we all make the time to turn to our Lord this week as we continue on our Lenten journey.
Our tentative last day of school will now be Thursday, June 20th to make up the recent snow day. It will be a 12:00 dismissal day. June 18th will be a full day of school.
MAP family reports were sent home before the break. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
The first meeting of the Newspaper Club will be on Thursday 2/29. The club will meet in the STREAM Lab from dismissal - 4:00 p.m. Pick up will be from the door behind the rectory.
Due to an overwhelming response, we will be offering a Thursday session for the grade 5 - 8 after school art program. Be on the lookout for a Flocknote with more information.
Our drama program is set to begin on March 4th. Those who registered will receive information directly from Spotlight Theatre.
There will be a Mothers’ Club parent meeting on February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Mrs. Ivonia Miller, our ADAPP counselor, will be on hand to answer questions about the counseling program. A representative from District Attorney Michael McMahon’’s office will also be on hand to share a presentation, Keeping Kids Safer Online, during the meeting. Please make every effort to attend this very important meeting.
Pretzels will be distributed on Thursday, February 29th to all who have ordered them.
Friday, March 1st is a 12:00 dismissal day for a faculty meeting.
We are looking forward to First Friday Mass on March 1st led by our 2nd graders.
Our Fashion Show is sure to be a night of fun and fashion with Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Contino providing their MC talents as they introduce our models. We appreciate the hard work of Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Greenblum, Mrs. Puliafito, Mrs. Amerose, Mrs. Carl, Mrs. Cruz, Mrs. Deliso, Mrs. Gerbino, Mrs. Marsicano, Mrs. Masucci, Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs. Pinto, Mrs. Quinones, Mrs. Seamans, Mrs. Simpson, and Mrs. Vallejo and the support of our sponsors for making the night possible.
Reminder: The deadline for Fashion Show Model Bios is Monday, February 26th.
Our Dad’s Club is spearheading a $5 gift card fundraiser for our Radio Bingo event which will be held on April 27th in the CCC. Students who bring in a gift card by March 8th will have a dress down on March 13th. The class that brings in the most gift cards will win a pizza party courtesy of the Dad’s Club.
March begins this coming Friday so please be sure to place your lunch orders online by 9:00 p.m. on Thursday.
Please review the list of upcoming events below.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
2/19 - 2/23 School Closed Mid Winter Break
2/28/24 Mothers Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. School Cafeteria
3/1/24 12:00 Dismissal, Faculty Meeting
3/1/24 First Friday Mass led by 2nd Grade
3/1/24 Fashion Show Hilton Garden Inn
3/4/24 Whole School Reconciliation (Grades 3 - 8)
3/6/24 PreK Spring Photos
3/8/24 Stations of the Cross
3/12/24 6th Grade Production of Godspell
3/13/24 Radio Bingo Dress Down
3/19/24 1st Grade St. Patrick’s Day Play
3/19/24 Green Dress Down Day
3/20/24 7th & 8th Grade movie trip to see Cabrini
3/22/24 PreK Easter Hat Parade
3/28/24 No School--Holy Thursday
3/29/24 No School--Good Friday
4/1 - 4/5/24 No School Easter Break