Good morning School Families,
This past week we were blessed to have the parish mission. It was wonderful to see so many of our school children involved as altar
servers, rosary leaders, speakers, mission volunteers and participants. A special thank you to Mrs. Rieb and her committee for organizing the mission. Students who attended the parish mission may dress down on Monday, March 20th. Parent attendance also results in a dress down.
We were also delighted to welcome Fr. Andrew, Fr. Patrick, and Seminarian Jonathon for a visit this past week. They are all greatly missed!
Monday, March 20th will be a 12:00 dismissal day for a faculty meeting.
Clare’s Closet will be open on 3/20/22 from 10:30 -11:30 p.m. in the school auditorium. Gently used uniforms may be purchased.
A special thank you to Mrs. Molski and Mrs. Romeo for organizing a delightful Father-Son bowling event at Rab’s Country Lanes. Thanks too to all of the parent volunteers who assisted with the event.
The Bread of Life Food Drive sponsored by the Notre Dame Club begins this Monday and will continue through March 31st. Non perishable food items will be collected to restock Staten Island Food Pantries. A dress down day will be awarded to the class that donates the most items.
Our Boone Supply Catalog Sale is still under way. Items can be ordered online through March 27th. A reminder flyer was sent out via Flocknote with ordering instructions.
Congratulations to 5th grade student, Anthony Russo, on his first place win in the Senator Andrew J. Lanza’s “There Ought To Be A Law” contest.
Pretzels will be distributed on 3/22/23. Thank you to Mrs. Greenblum for organizing Pretzel Day.
The week of March 27th will be a busy one. School is closed on Monday, March 27th. Our 6th grade students will be presenting Godspell at 8:30 a.m. in the Church on March 28th. Finally, our Book Fair will be held on Thursday, March 30th. A special thank you to Mrs. Bonavita for organizing the bookfair.
We continue to prepare for the upcoming state tests. Please be sure that the most recent copy of your child’s IESP (if applicable) is on file with the school office.
Our parking lot continues to be a safety concern. Parents please remind grandparents or others picking up students to park only in marked spots and to use the appropriate driveways for entering and exiting the lot. The safety of our children is certainly worth the time and effort needed to do so.
Please be sure to review the Upcoming Events listed below.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events