Dear School Families,
Today is Palm Sunday. As we begin Holy Week may we find quiet time to reflect on the pure love signified by Jesus’ sacrifice for us. May we feel that love always.
Reminder.. a new menu for Nucci’s has been posted to the school website. Please be sure to place your orders for April.
Our spring uniform begins this Monday. Please contact the school office if you need anything from Clare’s Closet.
Report Cards will be released for students in grades K - 8 this Wednesday, April 5th. Please be sure that all tuition has been paid.
This Wednesday, April 5th students in grades 1 - 8 will attend our Holy Week Liturgy (Triduum Experience). The liturgy will be streamed. It can be accessed via St. Clare Church’s YouTube channel.
Thanks to Mrs. Bonavita and our parent and student volunteers for organizing our Book Fair. Thank you parents for all of your support.
Our PreK students' Easter Hats were works of art! Thank you to Mrs. Abruzzo, Mrs. Vella, and our PreK teachers and Aides for a lovely morning!
Our 4th grade students are looking forward to their book release on Tuesday, April 4th. I’m sure the students will have a wonderful time!
We are in the final preparations for the ELA State Test which will be administered on April 19th and April 20th. If applicable, please make sure that the most recent IESP for your child is on file with the school. Students who opt out of the test must remain home during testing.
Plans are underway for the Mother - Daughter Luau on Saturday, April 22nd in the CCC. Thank you to Mrs. Newel and Mrs. Rubert for planning this event. Please be sure to send in your reservations by Wednesday, April 5th.
Reservations are now being taken for our Spring Parish Dance on April 29th. Join us for a fun filled adults only evening. Call the rectory (718 984- 7091) for reservations.
Upcoming events follow.
Have a Blessed Holy Week.
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events