It is hard to believe that there are only 17 days left of school!
Congratulations to Rev. Jonathan Castro and Rev. William Mendoza on their ordination to the priesthood on Saturday, May 25th. We were blessed to have Father Jonathan and Father William serve at St. Clare while they were seminarians. Please keep Father Jonathan and Father William in your prayers as they begin their priestly ministry.
This week our 7th graders received the sacrament of Confirmation in a beautiful Mass celebrated by Bishop Bryne. May God continue to bless our 7th graders as they grow in their faith.
Our 8th grade students also attended a special Mass for all Staten Island Catholic School graduating 8th graders on Wednesday. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Byrne and several pastors and priests, including our own Fr. Arthur and Fr. Brendan.
Our drama club’s performance of Annie Jr. was simply spectacular! A special thank you to Spotlight Theatre, Mrs. Seamans, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Festa, Mrs. Gervasi, and Mrs. Guadagno for their help! We also appreciate teachers Mrs. Kneeshaw and Ms. Kneeshaw for staffing the door. It was wonderful to see so many of our faculty members and clergy on hand to support our students!
We look forward to the 8th grade picnic on Wednesday, May 29th and the Candle Mass on Friday, May 31st.
The deadline for Kiss the School Year Goodbye requests is May 29th. We appreciate Mrs. Abruzzo and Mrs. Vella’s hard work on this fundraiser.
Final exams are underway for our 8th grade students. All students in grades 3 - 8 will take the archdiocese religion final on May 30th.
Our 8th grade students will graduate on Friday, June 7th. Please note that the 7th is an 11:00 dismissal day.
There will be no aftercare on the last day of school, June 20th. Please mark your calendars.
Our school will be closed on Monday, May 26th in celebration of Memorial Day, a day to honor all those who have given their lives serving our country. May we keep all our servicemen and women in our prayers.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
5/27/24 No School Memorial Day
5/29/24 8th Gr Picnic
5/30/24 Religion Final Grades 3 - 8
5/31/24 Candle Mass led by grades 7 & 8
6/5/24 Donuts for Dads PreK
6/5/24 8th Grade Dance
6/7/24 11:00 Dismissal 8th Grade Graduation
6/11/24 4th Grade Concert
6/12/24 PreK Step Up; Last day for PreK students
6/13/24 Kindergarten Graduation
6/14/24 Field Day
6/18/24 Italian Fairy Presentation
6/19/24 No School -- Juneteenth
6/20/24 12:00 Dismissal - Last day of school No Aftercare