Dear School Parents,
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi.We reflect on the real presence of Jesus in the Bread and Wine. I hope to see many of our school families at the procession following the 11:30 a.m. Mass. The procession will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate as a community.
Congratulations to the Class of 2023 on their graduation! We are so very proud of you! May God bless you always!
Thank you to Mrs.DiStefano and Mrs. Nitti for organizing the lovely 8th grade dance for our graduates. Thanks too to Mrs. Assile, Mrs. Mancuso, Mrs. Gervasi, Mrs. LaCicero, Mrs. Collegio, Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Bove, Mrs. Daigneau, Mrs. Pinto, and Mr. and Mrs. Webb for all they did to help make the dance extra special!
Congratulations to Meagan Wildes, the 1st place winner and Carly Gomez, runner-up in the Court St. Clare’s 2023 Essay Contest! Well done!
This coming week will be our last week of school for the 2022 - 2023 school year. We look forward to Kindergarten Graduation on Tuesday, June 13th in the church at 12:00 and PreK Step Up in the church at 8:30 a.m. (PreK 3) and 11:00 a.m. (PreK 4) on Thursday, June 15th. Parents please follow the teachers’ instructions regarding drop off, etc. for graduation day.
Siblings from the big school may attend the graduation ceremonies if you wish as follows:
Kindergarten Graduation--please email the sibling’s teacher (cc the office) your request. The students will be brought to the church to attend the ceremony with you and then released with you.
PreK 3 Step Up--please have students come to school late after attending the ceremony with you. They can return to school with Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Griffo after the ceremony.
PreK 4 Step Up--please email the sibling’s teacher (cc the office) your request. The students will be brought to the church to attend the ceremony with you and then released with you.
We are looking forward to Field Day on Wednesday, June 14th. Thank you to Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. DiBlasi, Mrs. Gardella, Mrs.Contino and our parent volunteers for what is sure to be a fun-filled day! Students may wear the Field Day shirt, a red shirt or a St. Clare gym shirt with their gym shorts/pants on the 14th.
Our 8th grade students will be coming in on Thursday, June 15th between 8:00 - 10:00 to pick up their diplomas and other items. The 8th graders are welcome to bring in their yearbooks at that time to get teachers’ signatures. The 8th graders should enter through the Hicks Center door near the school office (Pathway of Prayer). Thank you to Mrs. Kneeshaw and the yearbook staff for a fantastic yearbook!
A separate IRIS Alert containing a link to a records release form which must be completed will be sent to the 8th grade parents later today.. The form has also been posted to the school website. Please return the form via email to your child’s teacher or send it in with your child on Thursday when he/she comes in to pick up their diploma.
Radio Bingo was filled with dancing, singing, and fun for all! Thanks to Mrs. Bongiorni, Mrs. Wilkie, Mrs. Napolitano, Mrs. Bove, Mr. Ficchi and the Dads of St. Clare for what was truly an enjoyable event!
Summer work and supply lists will be posted to the school website by June 16th. School supplies may be purchased from School Toolbox again this year. See the school website (school.stclaresi.com) for more information.
There will be a 12:00 dismissal on Friday, June 16th for our last day of school.
The teachers and staff of St. Clare School would like to thank our students and families for a wonderful school year! Thanks especially to our Mothers Club, Class Representatives, Dad’s of St. Clare, and all of our parent volunteers for your help with our many school functions and fundraising activities. We are blessed to have such an active school community.
We wish everyone a restful summer filled with much joy!
Mrs. Olsen
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