When reflecting on this week’s Gospel (Mk 3:20-35), I was reminded that we are all members of one family--the family of believers. I rarely think in this way as I am so closely tied to my earthly family. I wonder would I live my faith more fully if I thought of others in this way? It’s something to ponder this week.
Congratulations to our 8th grade students on their graduation! The graduation Mass and ceremony were truly beautiful. Father Arthur, joined by Father Brendan, Father Jacob, Father Michael, Deacon Rich Mitchell and Seminarian Joe, made the Mass truly memorable. Mrs. Griffo and I would especially like to thank Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kneeshaw, and Mrs. Contino for preparing such a beautiful day! May God bless our graduates always!
Our teachers have now finalized class placements for next year. We appreciate their diligent work in placing students in the class that will best fit student needs. Class placements will be indicated on report cards. There will be no changes. Thank you for your support and trust in this matter.
A fun time was had by all at our PreK Donuts with Dad event. We appreciate Mrs. McEvoy, Mrs. Amerose, Mrs. Castellano, Mrs. Abruzzo, Mrs. Vella, and all of our PreK staff for their work on this event!
Our 8th grade students danced the night away on Wednesday evening at their 8th grade dance. A special thank you to class moms, Mrs. Pinto and Mrs. Quinones, for all of their hard work on the dance. The school gym was transformed into an enchanted forest thanks to the creativity and exquisite work of Mrs. Martinesi, Mrs. Wildes, Mrs. Curley, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. O’Connell, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Domante, Mrs. Silverman, Mrs. Siniscalchi, Mrs. Rieb, Mr. and Mrs. Gorman, Mrs. Picioccio, Mrs. Piazza, and Mrs. Morganstern. We appreciate Mrs. Bannon, Mrs. Newell, and Mrs. Sheehan for serving as chaperones for the evening.
We will have a Corpus Christi procession for students in grades 2 through 7 on our school campus on Monday. All students may wear their gym uniforms on Monday.
Staffing Updates--As many of you know, Mrs. Molloy, our 6th grade ELA and social studies teacher will be retiring at the end of the school year. Mrs. Molloy has been a dedicated teacher at St. Clare since 2006. We will miss her and wish her a retirement filled with blessings!
Our Italian teacher, Mrs. Dos Santos has resigned her position. We wish her the best of luck on her future endeavors.
Next week we look forward to our 4th grade concert on Tuesday, June 11th, PreK Step-up on Wednesday, June 12th, Kindergarten graduation on Thursday, June 13th and Field Day on Friday, June 14th. We appreciate our teachers, staff, Mother’s Cub officers, and parent volunteers for all of their hard work on these events.
Report cards will be posted on Friday, June 14th. Please be sure that all payments are up-to-date prior to the 14th.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events
6/10/24 Corpus Christi Procession - gym uniforms may be worn
6/11/24 4th Grade Concert 8:30 a.m.
6/12/24 PreK Step Up; Last day for PreK students
6/13/24 Kindergarten Graduation 12:00 p.m.
6/14/24 Field Day
6/17/24 Italian Fairy Presentation
6/19/24 No School -- Juneteenth
6/20/24 12:00 Dismissal - Last day of school No Aftercare