Dear St. Clare School Families,
It was wonderful to welcome our students and parents back to school this past week.
Thank you to all who were able to attend our orientation sessions. Please be sure to reach out to your child’s teacher if you were unable to attend or if you have any questions about the information that was presented.
We were blessed to end the week with our first school Mass that was attended by students in Grades 1 - 8. Fr. Arthur’s words during the Mass were inspiring!
This weekend, we were happy to see so many of our school families and teachers at the St. Clare Parish Fall Festival. A special thanks to Gerri Smith and the Parish Fall Festival Planning Committee for organizing and running such a fun event!
Nucci’s lunch service begins this Monday, September 12th. Please remember that orders for lunch must be placed by 9:30 p.m. the night before and that the lunches do not include drinks. Information regarding how to sign up for Nucci lunch can be found on the school website (school.stclaresi.com).
The first meeting of our Jr. Giving Circle will be held on Monday, September 12th directly following dismissal. The club will be spearheading different charity and service projects throughout the school year. Their first drive is for school supplies which will be distributed to those in need by the Staten Island Giving Circle. Membership is open to students in grades 5 - 8. The first meeting will take place in the TRC (room next to the school office). Dismissal will be at 3:30 at the doors behind the rectory.
We are looking forward to our Baseball Fundraiser on September 17th at 6:00 p.m. Join us as the Staten Island Ferryhawks take on the Long Island Ducks at the Staten Island University Hospital Community Park. Please visit https://groupmatics/events/event/stclare to purchase tickets. Thanks to Mrs. Assile and our Mothers’ Club Officers for organizing this event.
Thanks also to students Isabella Cortes and A.J. Capriotti and their families for organizing the many Dine Out fundraisers we had this summer. We look forward to the Carvel Scoop Night they have scheduled for October 7th.
Please join us for the annual Backpack Mass on Sunday, September 18th at 10:00 a.m.. Students are asked to bring their backpacks to Mass so that they may be blessed.
Thank you parents for your patience with our drop off line (Lindenwood Rd) during the first few days of school. We hope to have our Safety Patrol in place next week to help with the drop off process. Please remain in your car when using the drop off line. Staff and safety patrol will assist the students out of the car.
As always, we ask that you not block our neighbors driveways if you are parking your car. This is one small way we can show our care for each other.
As I end this week’s Iris Alert, let us remember all those who perished on 9/11 and let us pray for peace.
Loving God of Peace: On this anniversary of unbelievable sorrow, comfort those who mourn, and guide our hearts toward healing and hope. Remind us of the love of Christ, love which leapt over cultural and ethnic boundaries to feed the hungry, seek the lost and care for the least. Make of Your children, one human family, bound together in the work of justice and peacemaking. Make us one with the Light that shines in the darkness and illumines a path toward understanding and reconciliation. Let love be our genuine call. Amen.
Upcoming Events
MAP Testing Sept. 19 - Oct. 7
Mothers' Club Meeting September 22nd, 7:00 pm School Cafeteria
God Bless,
Mrs. Olsen