In this week’s second reading (Jas 2:14-18) we are reminded that ours is an active faith as we are called not only to believe but to show our love for the Lord through our actions. Doing so is a challenge, especially in our fast-paced world where there are distractions at every turn. May we all seize an opportunity to help someone this week.
On Friday, September 13th we gathered as a school community for our first school Mass. We are thankful to Father Arthur, Father Jacob, 8th grade teachers Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Kneeshaw, Mr. Poppe, Mrs. Barricella, our sacristan, Mrs. Santore, altar servers, 8th grade students, and family members for a lovely Mass! A special thank you to 8th grade student Mackenzie Clifford as she organized the Mass in her new role as student liturgy leader.
Our Rosary Club, Mary’s Helpers, will begin next Tuesday. Please see the Flocknote that was sent out on Friday for more information.
All those interested in trying out for CYO Basketball can find more information on the sports page of the parish website (
Our Meadow Farms catalog fundraiser begins on Monday. Catalogs and ordering information were sent home on Friday. Please consider supporting our school!
Be sure to register your child for After Care if you use or plan on using this service. Registration must be completed yearly as emergency contact information is collected during the registration process. The registration form can be found on the After Care page of the school website.
A flyer for the Nite at the Races was sent home on Wednesday. This event is sure to be an exciting night of fun for all. Please note that the QR code that is on the flyer may not be used for registration. Only checks and cash will be accepted. The event is limited to the first 200 registrants so be sure to send in your registration soon.
There will be an IESP informational meeting for all parents who have students that receive services (Grades K - 8) on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium.
All PreK students will follow a regular, full day schedule beginning Monday, September 16th.
Reminder: Please help us to be good neighbors by not blocking driveways when parking.
A list of upcoming events follows.
Have a good week!
God bless,
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events Sunday, 9/15/24 Backpack Mass 10:00 a.m. 9/16 - 10/3 MAP Testing Wednesday, 9/18/24 IESP Informational Meeting 7:00 p.m. School Auditorium Wednesday, 9/25/24 Mother’s Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. School Auditorium Saturday, 9/28/24 Night at the Races CCC Gym Wednesday, 10/2/24 PreK Photos; 8th Grade ‘25’ Photo Friday, 10/4/24 First Friday Mass led by Grade 6 Friday, 10/4/24 TACHS Extended Time Deadline Wednesday, 10/9/24 NJHS Induction 3:30 p.m. Church Thursday, 10/10/24 Grade 7 Trip ‘A Day in the Life of the Hudson’ Friday, 10/11/24 12:00 Dismissal Faculty Meeting Monday, 10/14/24 No School Columbus Day