Week of 9/3/23
Dear School Families,
Today’s second reading speaks of the ‘renewal of mind’. As we begin this new school year, we pray that all of us begin with a renewed spirit, striving to follow Jesus’ teachings in all we do.
We are beyond excited to welcome our returning and new students to school on Thursday, September 7th. Our maintenance and parish staff have been hard at work this summer improving the campus for the coming school year. Improvements include new wifi access points and switches throughout the campus, new tables and chairs for the science lab, a new ac unit in the art room, a resurfaced gym floor in the CCC, and a security enhancement to the front door of the PreK.
We would also like to thank Mrs. Marco and Mrs. Rosenberg who have been hard at work this summer making new costumes for our 8th grade Christmas Pageant. Your help is greatly appreciated!
There are a few important announcements to share. First, as previously communicated, we welcome Mrs. Lauren Haley to our PreK staff. Mrs. Haley comes to us from St. Christopher’s. We are so happy that she is here!
Second, we are happy to announce that we will have an ADAPP counselor on site one day a week this year. The counselor will provide group instruction and small group and individual counseling as needed. More information regarding the program will be shared once it is underway.
This year we will also expand the space used for our provider services to provide a more conducive learning environment. Students working with Miss Danielle, Miss Barbra, Miss Nicole, and Miss Cali will utilize a space in the Presentation Center for their work.
Orientations will be held on Wednesday, September 6th (PreK - Grade 4) and Thursday, September 7th (Grades 5 - 8). Additional information regarding orientation and other important information can be found in the Welcome Back letter which was shared with parents in August. Please call the school office (718) 984-7091 if you have any questions.
Parents it is imperative that you sign and return all school forms (e.g. emergency contact, handbook sign-off, etc.) as soon as possible. We appreciate your cooperation.
To date, there has been no update to the potential school bus strike. A separate IRIS alert will be sent out regarding plans to assist families that use bus service.
A letter regarding signup for the Osteria Santina lunch service has been added to the parent memo's page of the school website (school.stclaresi.com). September's lunch menu has also been posted.
We look forward to the parish Fall Festival which will take place on Saturday, September 9th from 11:00 - 4:00 p.m and the Backpack Mass during which student backpacks will be blessed on Sunday, September 10th at the 10:00 Mass. We hope to see you there!
A list of upcoming events follows.
We thank God for our students, families, teachers, staff, and priests and pray for a blessed school year!
God Bless!
Mrs. Olsen
Upcoming Events:
9/6/23 Orientation Grades PreK (6:00 p.m) and K-4 (2 sessions beginning at 7:00 p.m.)
9/7/23 First Day of School; 12:00 Dismissal for K-8; PreK students follow transitional schedule
9/7/23 Orientation Grades 8 (6:30 p.m.) and Grades 6 & 7 (2 sessions beginning at 7:00 p.m.)
9/9/23 Parish Fall Festival
9/10/23 Backpack Mass 10:00 a.m.
9/15/23 Mass of the Holy Spirit 8:30 a.m. led by 8th grade
9/18/23 Catalog Sale Begins
9/18/23 - 10/16/23 MAP Testing
9/25/23 No School Spirituality Conference Da