Week of 4/11/22
Dear St. Clare Families,
This week we loved seeing all of the creative Easter Hats on display in our PreK Easter Parade. Our students were adorable! Thank you, teachers, aides, and staff for a lovely parade and parents for such innovative Easter Hats!
Thanks too to Deacon Salhany and all of the mothers and sons who led us in a beautiful Stations of the Cross this past Friday evening. It was quite a moving experience. Those school students who attended may dress down on Monday, April 25th when we return from vacation.
As we begin Holy Week, we are thankful to Fr. Arthur, Fr. Jacob, Fr. Brendan, Fr. Joseph, Seminarian William, and Mr. Poppe for helping our students experience Holy Week by celebrating a Triduum Experience this coming Wednesday. May we all reflect on the passion of our Lord this week as we look forward to the joy of our risen Lord on Easter Sunday.
God Bless!
Mrs. Olsen
Our Meadow Farms fundraiser continues this week. Packets with additional information were sent home. Please call the school office if you did not receive a packet. Thank you for supporting our school! Our Meadow Farms fundraiser will end on April 29th.
Summer Camp fliers were sent home last week. Be sure to register early as space is limited.
We are looking forward to our plant sale on May 6th. Pre-order forms have been sent home as current protocols do not enable us to allow parents to show with students. There will be other items available for student purchase on the day of the sale.
The Math State Exam will be administered on April 26th and 27th. Please contact the school office by Tuesday, April 12th if you plan on not having your child take the test so that we can adequately prepare for staffing needs. Students who refuse to take the test will need to remain home on Tuesday, April 26th, and Wednesday, April 27th.
Upcoming Dates