Week of 3/28/22
Dear Saint Clare School Families,
Tomorrow we will participate in a Day of Prayer for Ukraine. We are thankful for the outpouring of support evidenced by your very generous donations and will continue our support by dressing down in blue and yellow (no ripped jeans, slides, or cropped tops) on Monday and continuing to pray for peace.
Monday will also see the beginning of the lessening of COVID-19 restrictions. More details are provided below. Please note that students in grades K - 4 will need to have their art supplies in a ziplock bag or pencil case as they will begin using the art room for art class. We are so happy that things are beginning to get back to normal.
Many updates and reminders follow.
Have a Blessed Week!
Mrs. Olsen
Children may be dropped off for school by using the drop-off line on Lindenwood Rd. Please do not drop off children in the church parking lot by the garages as doing so causes a backup and creates an unsafe condition for our students.
At dismissal, please be sure to keep a close eye on your child. We have noticed that several of our younger students have taken to sitting/running on the walls that surround our campus with no parent/guardian in sight.
Also, we thank those parents who have avoided parking in our neighbors’ driveways and remind all to please be sure to do likewise.
It is very important that our students not enter our neighbors' yards at any time, for any reason. We must try our best to be good neighbors.
State Test Reminders
The ELA state test will be administered to students in grades 3 - 8 on Tuesday, March 29th, and Wednesday, March 30th. Students should come to school with 2 sharpened #2 pencils and leave smartwatches at home.
Please make sure students have a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before the test!
Summer Camps
St. Clare School will offer 3 summer camps this summer. The dates for the camps follow. More information and sign-up forms will be shared shortly.
Science Camp Session 1--June 27th - July 1st
Science Camp Session 2--July 11th - July 15th
Art Camp--July 25th - July 29th
Summer Bridge--August 15th - August 19th
Gently used uniform skirts and pants are available for purchase. Please call the school office with your child’s size if their skirt is too short or uniform pants no longer fit and you want to wait until the summer to purchase new uniforms from Flynn & O’Hara.
Our annual participation in the Bread of Life food drive will begin this Monday, March 28th, and conclude on Friday, April 9th. Your boxed and canned food donations will help fill the many Staten Island food pantries that are supported by this drive.
Our Meadows Farm fundraiser will begin this Monday. Packets with additional information were sent home last week. Please call the school office if you did not receive a packet. Thank you for supporting our school!
Art Fundraiser grades PreK - 4--please be sure to place your order by April 7th.
COVID-19 Restrictions
As indicated in Superintendent Michael Deegan’s letter of March 24th, COVID-19 restrictions will begin to ease on Monday, March 28th. Changes at our school will be as follows:
We all pray that the number of cases remains low so that all social distancing restrictions are lifted on May 2nd as indicated in Mr. Deegan’s letter.
Upcoming Dates