Week of November 22, 2021
This week we celebrate Thanksgiving, a day set aside to give thanks to the Lord for our many blessings. We are thankful for our students, families, staff, teachers, priests, and all of the countless individuals who fill our lives with joy. We are thankful for our 2nd graders who prepared this week to lead our 10:00 Mass this Sunday
May God continue to bless us in all we do.
Mrs. Olsen
Reminders for this coming week:
Thank you to all who participated in our Thanksgiving Pie fundraiser. We raised almost $4,000 for our school!
Don’t forget the 2nd Annual Winter Coat Drive organized by the St. Clare Altar Servers and Fr. Patrick. Donations will be accepted in the church parking lot on Saturday, November 20th from 2 - 5 p.m. and on Sunday, November 21st before all masses.
Please make sure all students come to school with a properly fitting mask. The positivity rate for Great Kills from November 10th - November 16th was 6.21%, currently the highest COVID positivity rate in the city.
Monday, Nov. 22--Please bring in canned goods for our food drive. Very few items have been brought in to date. Please help those who are in need this Thanksgiving. Food will be accepted all week.
Christmas basket raffles will be available for purchase. Flyers will be sent home on Monday. Please check out the school website for pictures of our fantastic baskets.
Tuesday, Nov. 23--Thanksgiving Pies may be picked up from in front of the CCC from 3:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thank you to Mrs. JoAnne Vella for organizing our pie fundraiser!
Wednesday, Nov. 24--Students may dress down as a pre-Thanksgiving treat. No ripped jeans, slides, or cropped tops, please.
Thursday, Nov. 25th--9:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass. All are welcome. 3rd and 4th-grade students are invited to participate as pilgrims and Native Americans. Please let the office know if your 3rd or 4th grader is interested.
Friday, Nov. 26th--No School
Coming Up
Our wonderful class reps have once again offered to provide a holiday treat for our students. The treat will include a craft for the students to complete. The Christmas treat will be given to the students on 12/22/21, the last day of school before Christmas break. Please send in $5 per student in an envelope addressed to “Class Representative” by 11/29/21 to help defray the cost of the treat. Include your child’s name on the envelope.
Friday, December 3rd--No School, academic conference.